LPCSTR __stdcall WGetRemoteTextA(HWND hWnd,LPCSTR sztext); LPCSTR __stdcall WSetRemoteTextA(HWND hWnd,LPCSTR sztext);
1 ;echo off 2 ;cls 3 ;goto make 4 ;担心UNICODE有BUG。把原本定义UNICODE操作comment out了。 5 MAXTEXTSIZE = 1000 6 .386 7 .model flat, stdcall 8 option casemap :none 9 10 include windows.inc 11 include user32.inc 12 include kernel32.inc 13 14 includelib user32.lib 15 includelib kernel32.lib 16 17 .data 18 bset dd 0 19 ; bunicode dd 0 20 readflag dd 0 21 busying dd 0 ; another program calling this function will share the whole .data section. 22 ; when the DLL is called simultaneously, this var is the semaphore. 23 finished dd 0 ; if the title changed 24 processid dd 0 ; the Target process id 25 threadid dd 0 26 hhook dd 0 27 htarget dd 0 ; Target window :) 28 targettext db MAXTEXTSIZE+2 dup(?) 29 .CODE 30 hInstance dd 0 31 LibMain proc hInstDLL:DWORD, reason:DWORD, unused:DWORD 32 .if reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH 33 mov eax,hInstDLL 34 mov hInstance,eax 35 ;.elseif reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH 36 ;.elseif reason == DLL_THREAD_ATTACH 37 ;.elseif reason == DLL_THREAD_DETACH 38 .endif 39 mov eax,TRUE 40 ret 12 41 LibMain Endp 42 WHookCall proc ncode:DWORD,wParam:DWORD,lParam:DWORD 43 mov eax,finished 44 test eax,eax 45 jnz hookignore 46 invoke GetCurrentProcessId 47 cmp eax,processid 48 jne hookignore 49 .if bset == 0 50 invoke SendMessage,htarget,WM_GETTEXT,MAXTEXTSIZE,offset targettext 51 .else 52 invoke SendMessage,htarget,WM_SETTEXT,0,offset targettext 53 .endif 54 mov finished,1 55 hookignore:; 56 invoke CallNextHookEx,hhook,ncode,wParam,lParam 57 ret 12 58 WHookCall endp 59 WTextOperation proc hWnd:DWORD,sztext:DWORD 60 wait0: 61 mov eax,busying 62 test eax,eax 63 jne wait0 64 invoke IsWindow,hWnd 65 je invalidhwnd 66 mov busying,1 67 invoke GetWindowThreadProcessId,hWnd,offset processid 68 mov threadid,eax 69 invoke GetLastError 70 test eax,eax 71 jne Expection 72 ;偷懒点,不去考虑当前进程的窗口了 73 ; invoke GetCurrentProcessId 74 ; .if processid == eax 75 ; .if bset == 0 76 ; invoke SendMessage,htarget,WM_GETTEXT,MAXTEXTSIZE,sztext 77 ; .else 78 ; invoke SendMessage,htarget,WM_SETTEXT,0,sztext 79 ; .endif 80 ; jmp Expection 81 ; .endif 82 .if bset == 1 83 ; .if bunicode == 0 84 invoke lstrcpynA,offset targettext,sztext,MAXTEXTSIZE 85 ; .else 86 ; invoke lstrcpynW,offset targettext,sztext,MAXTEXTSIZE/2 87 ; .endif 88 .endif 89 mov finished,0 90 push hWnd 91 pop htarget 92 invoke SetWindowsHookEx,WH_CALLWNDPROC,offset WHookCall,hInstance,threadid 93 mov hhook,eax 94 invoke GetLastError 95 test eax,eax 96 jne Expection 97 invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_GETTEXTLENGTH,0,0 98 invoke GetLastError 99 test eax,eax 100 jne Expection 101 notfinished:; 102 mov eax,finished 103 test eax,eax 104 je notfinished 105 invoke UnhookWindowsHookEx,hhook 106 mov hhook,0 107 .if bset==0 108 ; .if bunicode == 0 109 invoke lstrcpynA,sztext,offset targettext,MAXTEXTSIZE 110 ; .else 111 ; invoke lstrcpynW,sztext,offset targettext,MAXTEXTSIZE/2 112 ; .endif 113 .endif 114 invalidhwnd:; 115 Expection:; 116 mov busying,0 117 mov eax,sztext 118 ret 8 119 WTextOperation endp 120 ;=================Unicode: ==================== 121 ;WGetRemoteTextW proc hWnd:DWORD,sztext:DWORD 122 ; mov bset,0 123 ; mov bunicode,1 124 ; invoke WTextOperation,hWnd,sztext 125 ; ret 8 126 ;WGetRemoteTextW endp 127 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 128 ;WSetRemoteTextW proc hWnd:DWORD,sztext:DWORD 129 ; mov bset,1 130 ; mov bunicode,1 131 ; invoke WTextOperation,hWnd,sztext 132 ; ret 8 133 ;WSetRemoteTextW endp 134 ;================Ansi: ======================== 135 WGetRemoteTextA proc hWnd:DWORD,sztext:DWORD 136 mov bset,0 137 ;mov bunicode,0 138 invoke WTextOperation,hWnd,sztext 139 ret 8 140 WGetRemoteTextA endp 141 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 142 WSetRemoteTextA proc hWnd:DWORD,sztext:DWORD 143 mov bset,1 144 ;mov bunicode,0 145 invoke WTextOperation,hWnd,sztext 146 ret 8 147 WSetRemoteTextA endp 148 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 149 150 End LibMain 151 152 :make 153 set this=WRT 154 set include=%include%;\masm32\include 155 set lib=%lib%;\masm32\lib 156 \masm32\bin\ml /c /coff /nologo %this%.bat 157 rem link option 158 if exist %this%.bat \masm32\bin\link /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /DLL /NOLOGO /merge:.rdata=.text /section:.text,RWE /section:.data,rws /EXPORT:WSetRemoteTextA /EXPORT:WGetRemoteTextA %this%.obj 159 del %this%.obj 160 pause